The baby may suddenly begin drooling and actively chewing or biting objects, including their own hands. The baby’s normally pleasant attitude may shift to irritability, and they may become restless and fussy. Behavioral shifts are frequently caused by a valid reason, such as teething. . So Teething is simply the process of primary teeth development. There are two types of teeth in children, one is primary, deciduous, or falling out teeth and second is permanent teeth that replaces the primary teeth once the child reach to the age 6.
Tooth creation takes place in the mother’s womb, and eruption begins 4-6 months after birth. The baby’s teeth first begins to come out are the central incisor. The primary teeth begins erupt after 6-30 months till 6-7 years. Permanent teeth come after the age of 6 by replacing the falling out teeth. There are total 20 Primary teeth and 28 -32 permanent teeth.
In this article we are going through the journey of “when does baby get first tooth” from the teething basics to the first dental visit. Let’s begin with these heartwarming moments:
Teething Basics:
When does teething starts:
A baby’s teeth normally emerge between the ages of 6 and 8 months. These are the primary teeth; at 30 months, a kid typically has twenty primary teeth.
Signs and Symptoms associated with Teething:
- Heavy drooling (which can cause the facial rash)
Timeline of Tooth Eruption:

What if baby get first tooth
When the baby gets their first teeth, it can be spotted as baby start fussing more due to associated pain and discomfort that comes with teething. When your baby’s first tooth appears, celebrate the milestone by snapping photographs and marking the date in your baby book. Also provide your child a firm rubber teething ring or a cold wash cloth that is chilled in refrigerator to reduce the pain associated with the teething pain.
Baby first tooth brush:
Parents should start brushing their baby’s teeth when they get their first tooth. Simply take a small baby tooth brush and use small amount of age appropriate toothpaste onto the brush and start by gentle circular motion around the teeth.
Teething is painful process that a child go through while showing many signs and symptoms. The teeth eruption time may vary according to the age of children but normally around 6-8 months. After your baby first tooth appearance, start taking care of your baby oral health and use a baby tooth brush to keep clean the white pearls of your baby.
- What age does a baby typically get their first tooth?
Around 6-8 months
- Are there certain order and timing for various teeth to emerge?
Yes, the 20 primary teeth’s erupt first and is replaced by permanent teeth.
- Is it true that teething cause diarrhea, fever, or a runny nose?
There is no scientific proof that teething causes these symptoms.